
PlayDuration Property


set the playDuration of <movie | path | sound>
to <integer> Applies to movies, paths, sounds


For movies, the playDuration property controls the length of time that the movie plays. from 1 to the duration; the time scale of <integer> is set using the units property. The default value of the playDuration for a given movie is the value of the duration property for that movie. For paths, playDuration controls the length of time that the animation plays. Using the playStart and playDuration properties together, you can play a specific segment path. The type and value of playStart are measured in terms of the current unit. The default value of the playDuration for a given path is the duration of the animation. For legs of paths, playDuration is equivalent to the sum of the durations of the path's legs. <integer> can be any number
This text has been mechanically extracted from the Oracle Media Objects MediaTalk Reference, © 1995 Oracle Corporation, and is provided here solely for educational/historical purposes.